Advancing Emergency Healthcare in India

Making a difference in this world is not easy. Often it is about the willingness to stretch ourselves beyond our limits and changing the future with innovation, dedication and sheer perseverance. With these as our core values, we aim in bringing high quality and effective treatment for emergency conditions, and we are assuring hope and recovery for all patients who are brought into emergency departments in India.
The Society for Emergency Medicine India (SEMI) is the first, the largest group, and only organization representing trained/qualified emergency physicians & paramedics in India. Our Society was formed in the year 1999, and this is the 19th year of our work towards the development of emergency care in our country. Our Society is a full member of the International Federation of Emergency Medicine (IFEM) and is the only organization representing India on the global map of emergency care.
Accidents, trauma and medical emergencies put together form the highest number of acutely ill patients arriving into our hospitals, who need rapid emergency care within the first few minutes of their arrival. Without which, such patients die before specialists and super-specialists can intervene. It is only the emergency physicians who are trained & experienced in emergency medicine, who can resuscitate seriously ill patients faster than any other doctor.
It is our sincere intention to spread the knowledge & core skills of emergency medicine to all doctors and allied staff who take care of emergency patients. We do this primarily through committed teams of SEMI members who were born and brought up in emergency medicine. This responsibility can no longer be given to any other medical or surgical specialty, as doing so would be a grave error in today’s times. There are no regulatory bodies in India whose undivided attention is on emergency care.
Our Society has already made a tremendous difference to emergency clinical services, academics & research in India. We continue to motivate more individuals, institutes and organisations to follow our footsteps, to align them and guide them, towards making India a safer place for emergency patients. EM development is our collective duty.
Personal Motto – “No one will die in my ER today!”
Dr. Imron Subhan
Past President (2018-2020)
Society for Emergency Medicine India