Dear SEMI Member
Greetings from SEMI office bearers.
I, Dr. Saravana Kumar, National Secretary SEMI, hereby announce the elections and call for nominations for the following office bearers posts, for the period of 2022-2024 as per constitution of SEMI section 4.
National President – 1 post
National Vice President – 5 posts (East, West, North, South & Central)
National General Secretary – 1 post
National Treasurer – 1 post
Please find the application form with further details – SEMI Nomination Form 2022-2024 . Last date for receiving signed hard copy of nomination form along with, photograph and demand draft at SEMI Head Office address is 15th Sep 2022 (by 4pm). Nominations via email, social media, whatsapp, etc is not permitted.
The elections and new board announcement will be at SEMI’s annual general body meeting (AGM) at Trivandrum, during EMCON 2022. The venue will be intimated soon.
This same notice has also been sent via email to all SEMI members on their registered email address and also posted in all SEMI state chapters, academic and hospital groups.
Thank you
Dr. Saravana Kumar
General Secretary, SEMI